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Bakery Friends 🍞

Zhaohan · 2024/10/09

Chess Pieces


Welcome to the world of Bakery Friends! This is a collection of chess pieces inspired by the art of bread baking. King: Inspired by the Brioche bread, exuding the elegance of a master baker; Queen: Inspired by the Soufflé pancake, adorned with pearl sugars; Bishop: Inspired by the Nun's Puff, its layered pastry enclosing smooth cream; Knight: Clad in armor made from French country bread, wielding a crisp baguette; Rook: Inspired by the Stone Oven, constantly emitting the enticing aroma of freshly baked bread; Pawn: Inspired by the chewy Pretzels, sprinkled with salt crystals; 欢迎来到 Bakery Friends 的象棋世界,这是一套以面包烘焙为灵感的棋子设计! 国王:以芬芳馥郁的布里欧修面包为原型,展现烘焙大师的风度; 王后:以松软的舒芙蕾松饼为原型,点缀珍珠糖,为棋局增添一份甜美; 教士:以修女泡芙为原型,颗粒分明的酥皮包裹顺滑奶油,尽显宁静与智慧; 骑士:以坚固的法国乡村面包为铠甲,手持松脆的法棍,时刻准备发起冲锋; 城堡:以石窑烤炉为原型,时刻散发新鲜出炉的面包香气; 士兵:以有嚼劲的碱水结为原型,撒了盐花做点缀,是对局中的可靠伙伴;

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