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Blue and white porcelain chess figurines

T-BOY · 2024/10/11

Chess Pieces


创作灵感 受益于最近对梁思成与林徽因相关文章的阅读,为他们的才华与对中华文明坚持不懈的记录与传承而感动,也就自然而然的在这次的创作中想以具有中国古典文化特征的内容去呈现,最终选定以中国青花瓷为材质制作的陶俑为棋子。力求古朴真实,具有一定的历史和文化性。 Creative inspiration Benefiting from the recent reading of articles related to Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin, I was moved by their talents and their unremitting recording and inheritance of Chinese civilization. Naturally, in this creation, I wanted to present it with content featuring Chinese classical culture, and finally chose the figurines made of Chinese blue and white porcelain as the chess pieces. Striving for simplicity and authenticity, with certain historical and cultural significance. 创作思路 - 能够较为容易体现材质效果 - 具有真实感,像是真实存在过的事物 - 结构整体,容易被打印 - 符合国际象棋含义,容易被识别 Creative thinking Can relatively easily reflect the material effect Has a sense of reality, like something that has really existed The structure is integral and easy to be printed Conforms to the meaning of chess and is easy to be recognized

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55 days ago